3 Secret Risks Hiding in Plain Sight When Searching for Residential Access Control Systems

by | Aug 12, 2021 | Business

Residential security is a 24/7 job that you must update and improve continually to ensure the safety of your community. Think of it as a small price to pay for your team’s peace of mind. If you’re thinking about upgrading your community’s security, then you’ll want to look into residential access control systems.

But did you know that the three biggest risks to watch out for when searching for residential gate access control systems are those that are hidden in plain sight? Keep them in mind when you’re starting your search.

Risk #1: The system only issues physical credentials

Many residential access control systems still rely on physical credentials such as keycards and fobs. While these are reliable, physical passes are vulnerable to theft and duplication.

To keep your community secure, consider access control systems that offer a mobile credentialing system. This allows managers to email residents activation to a secure mobile credential that will be unique to the resident’s smartphone reducing the chance of credentials getting loaned out or cloned.

Your residents will be much less likely to let a friend or family member borrow their iPhone for a day to use the community pool than they would be to let a friend borrow a fob.

Allowing residents to use their mobile phones as a “pass” is much safer since these are personal devices that they don’t just lend to anyone. But don’t forget about your resident’s guests and community vendors, your gate access control system should be able to issue physical and digital passes for visitors and vendors as well.

Risk #2: The system is not cloud-based

Residential gate access control systems that are not cloud-based can be costly and inefficient. These may require you to install onsite servers and software to connect ro all of the hardware installed throughout the community..

The best residential access control systems are cloud-based and can control all facets of your security operation e.g. access control, visitor management, and licence plate recognition from a single sign-on.

Risk #3: The system is not built by a reputable company

The way you buy a residential access control system is just as important as the system you buy. Look for companies that have reliable products, good customer service, and a proven track record in the industry. Be proactive and make sure you’re not gambling with your residents’ safety. Get one with 24/7 support–from updating your software constantly all the way to on-site emergency services should your system suddenly goes offline.

Finding the Right Residential Estate Access Control Systems

Finding the appropriate residential gate access control systems for your community can be taxing and daunting. One wrong decision will put your residents’ security at risk and your job on the line. However, you can avoid these by considering the following:

Community Type

The size of your community is one of the most important factors to consider when buying residential gate access control. If you have a smaller community, you may not need some of the features found in more complex systems.

Community Threats

The security threats you’ve faced in the past and continue to encounter today are the weakest link in your current security systems. You need to take these security threats (and the potential weaknesses) seriously and use this information to figure out the best access control system.

Community Voice

Your community is in your hands – use that to your advantage and have a two-way conversation with your community and HOA board. After all, their security is on the line here. Give them the opportunity to provide input on your security, and you’ll find the perfect residential gate access control system.

Searching for residential access control systems can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. A trusted provider like Proptia can help you navigate this journey and the right cloud-based system for your community.

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