Preserving Beautiful and Quality Area Rugs in Tacoma

by | Jul 18, 2023 | Rug Store

Regarding hand-made and specialty area rugs in Tacoma, Washington, their construction, fibers, and dye lots set them apart. We understand these differences and value the uniqueness of each rug. That’s why our team of experts employs a meticulous hand-cleaning process tailored to fit the needs of each rug. Let’s walk you through our comprehensive and effective hand-cleaning process and each step to ensure the preservation of your rug’s beauty and quality.

Friendly Phone Estimate andScheduling

We begin our process by providing a friendly phone estimate and scheduling a convenient time for pick-up. Our experienced team will guide you through the process, answering any questions. We understand the importance of your time, and our estimated cleaning time is typically 10 to 14 days. However, if you require a quicker turnaround, we offer rush processing to accommodate your needs.

Pre-Hand Vacuuming

Before the hand-cleaning process begins, our skilled technicians perform a thorough pre-hand vacuuming of both sides of your rug. This step helps remove loose dirt, dust, and debris, preparing the carpet for the subsequent cleaning stages.

Hand Cleaning and Brightening of Fringes

One of the distinguishing features of area rugs is their fringes. Our experts carefully hand-clean and brighten the edges, ensuring they regain their original luster and complement the carpet’s overall appearance. This meticulous attention to detail sets us apart and guarantees a superior result.

Hand Cleaning and Rinsing with Gentle, Eco-Friendly Solutions

Using our specially formulated eco-friendly cleaning solutions, we hand clean and rinse both sides of the rug. Our cleaning agents effectively lift dirt and stains while being gentle enough to preserve the rug’s delicate fibers and colors. This step ensures thorough and deep cleaning without compromising the rug’s integrity.

Hand Grooming for Restoration

To restore the natural soft texture of your rug, our skilled technicians perform a meticulous hand grooming process. This step involves delicately brushing and fluffing the fibers, enhancing their appearance and feel. Our attention to detail guarantees that your rug retains its original beauty and plushness.

Slow, Controlled Air Drying

Preserving the strength and form of your rug is of utmost importance to us. Therefore, we employ a slow and controlled air-drying process. By allowing the rug to dry naturally, we prevent any shrinkage or distortion that may occur with other drying methods. This careful approach ensures your carpet maintains its shape and durability.

Quality Inspection and Packaging

Before final delivery, each rug undergoes a thorough quality inspection by our experts. We meticulously examine every detail to ensure the cleaning process meets our high standards. Once approved, your rug is tied and packaged securely to maintain cleanliness and protect it during transportation.

Application of Fiber Protector

To help prevent future stains, we offer an exclusive Fiber Protector application as an optional service. This additional layer of protection protects against spills and everyday wear, extending the lifespan of your rug and making maintenance easier.

At Mafi Rugs, we take pride in our specialized hand-cleaning process for area rugs. With over 25 years of experience, we understand the intricacies of these unique rugs and employ proven methods that preserve their construction, fibers, and dye lots. Entrust your cherished rugs in Tacoma to our dedicated team, and experience the difference in our meticulous hand-cleaning process.

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